What are you doing today to promote your brand and add value?
I originally published this article as a micropodcast on Lookwide. Listen to the 2 minute micropodcast here.
I recently finished working on a music album that I have been producing called The Dream Highway. It is a very exciting time for any musician, author or any type of creative entrepreneur to see a project through to completion. While I celebrate the completion of this project, at the same time, I am aware that I have to prepare to move on to the next phase, which is marketing.
One thing that’s really easy to do is get caught up in a bunch of research on how to do that, and not actually get any marketing done. After spending quite a bit of time researching and coming up with an album pre-launch checklist, I thought to myself, what action am I going to take today to actually promote it?
I thought about doing a quick generic social media post telling everyone about it, but then I thought, “I don’t want to just put something out there simply for the sake of putting it out there. How will that be serving people? How will that interest people?”
That got me thinking…How am I going to promote my album today in a way that brings value to people?
I actually got really excited about that idea that I decided to…yep…you guessed it, make a motivational post it note and put it on my computer rather than actually take action to market myself!
Now, I’m not beating myself up, mind you. I am just very consciously aware of how easy it is to get sidetracked from doing some actual marketing.
Today, as I was out for a walk, that question came to mind again, however, I realized something. I’m not just promoting my product, I’m promoting my brand.
So, I rephrased the question…
“How am I going to promote my brand today in a way that brings value to people?”
I think this is a legitimate question for us all to consider before promoting our brands. Obviously we promote our products and services because we believe that they will benefit people. If we don’t believe that, then why do it?
I get that, but do we do it in a way that is simply for the attention, referrals or business leads? Because I don’t think that’s a sustainable way to build a business.
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